Kewley got some very flattering reviews for his performance as Dr Graham Dempster in the play DEATH OF A COMEDIAN …
“Jeremy Kewley is brilliant as Graham Dempster”. (Theatre Press)
“Kewley is puppyish and hilariously annoying as Graham, a doctor who thinks he is funny. Ironically, as the only character who is a non-comedian, he gets the biggest laughs”. (Herald Sun)
“Played with relish by Jeremy Kewley … the play’s most affecting moment comes when the innocent Dempster ‘dies’ on stage when his puerile jokes fail to win over the audience”. (Arts Hub)
“Kewley was frankly pitch perfect as Graham, the very enthusiastic and star-struck organiser of the charity performance. Kewley grasped his character with both hands and ran with it. His sequence of Graham’s turn at the microphone and moment in the spotlight was a tour de force, and one of the funniest and most painful things I’ve seen all year”. (Arts Hub December Wrap).