From late October and into early December 2014, Kewely toured New Zealand in the play THE UNDERARM, which garnered terrific reviews from a range of Kiwi critics.
“A BALL-BUSTING COMEDIC NIGHT OUT FOR EVERYONE” – Holly Shanahan, TheatreView – New Plymouth
“Kewley is fantastic as Don and clearly loves every moment of taking the piss. His huge personality in the beginning gives the character a nice place to go as things become more personal between Don and Colin”.
“LAUGHTER WITH INSIGHT – AND A CHANCE TO THROW CANS” – Maryanne Cathro, TheatreView – Wellington
“Jeremy Kewley’s Don is as brash and amoral as only a criminal lawyer based on the Gold Coast can be, and he makes no effort to win our sympathy. He certainly pushes every button of my own ambivalent feelings about the other side of the Tasman”.
“HOWZAT! – A PLAY WITH SUPERB SPIN” – Jo Hills, Taranaki Daily News
“It’s one theatre experience you don’t want to miss. Jeremy Kewley (Australia) and Christopher Brougham (New Zealand) are a brilliant team with talent aplenty”.
“VERY FUNNY AND THOUGHT-PROVOKING” – Juliet Blakeney, TheatreView – Napier
“The acting is phenomenal” … “In the second half our compassion is aroused when we are introduced to a more sensitive side of the brash Aussie Don, who is so outrageously awful but somehow loveable”.